Want to know a secret about email marketing? It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about sending the right emails to the right people. Personalisation is key.

Imagine you receive an email that feels like it’s just for you. That’s what your subscribers want too. Use their name, reference their interests, and make sure the content is relevant to them. It’s like having a one-on-one conversation, just via email.

I have learned some fun ways to segment my email list now so that I can start to send different emails to different groups of people. 

I use what some people call “Handraiser Emails” 

I will send an email out, and in that email, I will prompt them to click one of the answers – this then adds a tag to them, so I know more about them from the answer they have given! I can then ensure that when I send future sales emails, they are more targeted to them! Clever!

In December, I sent one of these emails out, and then in my follow-up email, I offered a sales call. I made £5k in sales on the back of two emails, so you can see why I know email marketing is a good thing to apply to your business. 

There are a few things which you need to do when setting these up, and I will be doing a training with my members on this very soon, as I know how powerful it can be.

You can join us here, and if you have any questions first, please feel free to get in touch.