I’ve spent a good amount of time refining the art of creating a compelling sales page – one that not only grabs attention but also drives action. And let me tell you, the layout and the information is everything. Here’s a breakdown of how to lay out a sales page, peppered with insights from my own experience with Peakes.


💥Start with a Bang. The Headline

Your headline is your first (and sometimes only) chance to catch a visitor’s eye. Make it bold to grab people’s attention, and highlight what you offer. Follow this up with something which your audience will resonate with, which makes them feel that you are talking to them. 

💥Identify the Problem

Right after the opener, dive into the problem your audience is facing. This should resonate with them on a personal level. 

💥Introduce Your Solution

Now, bring in your product or service as the answer to the problem. This is where you showcase how your offer provides a unique solution.

💥The Power of Testimonials

Social proof is crucial. Include testimonials from clients who’ve seen real results. I always feature success stories from our members who’ve experienced growth and transformation and made new relationships.

💥 Break the Text with Engaging Visuals

Use images and videos that complement your text. A lot of text can be overwhelming, and most people won’t read it all, so make sure you add images which are on brand. In my case, I include photos from my events, showcasing real people making real connections. Professional photos will always look far more professional; if your business is newer and you don’t yet have any, use good images from places such as Canva or Shutterstock. Make sure the images you choose fit you and your brand.

💥Detail the Offer

Be clear about what your product/service includes. Lay out the features and benefits in an easy-to-understand format. You can use nice icons to make these stand out so they are really clear.

💥Address Objections

Think about potential hesitations your audience might have and address them head-on. 

💥Clear Call to Action

Your CTA should be impossible to miss. Use action-oriented language and make it stand out. I make sure to use multiple call to action buttons throughout the sales page. 

💥Make It Easy to Say Yes

Consider adding a FAQ section to answer common questions or offering a satisfaction guarantee to ease decision-making.

💥High-Value Offers 

You may want to add a calendly booking link into your sales page for offers which have a higher cost. If you worry about sales calls, you may want to go back and read my earlier sales calls email.