Plan for a Successful Last Quarter of 2022
Can you feel the pressure of the last quarter creeping-in? Let me help you plan for a successful last quarter of 2022!
I have spoken with so many people who found September really tough, and I did too! A little overwhelmed, a little less motivated than usual but I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it (although I’m guessing it was exhaustion from all the fabulous events I was lucky enough to attend!).
I also think that the time of the year can put unusual pressure on us. During the Summer, we can accept that we may not get as many clients through the door (and usually, we don’t want as many, because we want that precious family time in the sun!). But by the time September rolls around, I think a lot of us may put this pressure on ourselves to have ‘the best month of the year’ to compensate. And as with anything related to a negative mindset or belief, it doesn’t usually end well!
You may have found yourself procrastinating, over-thinking, setting unrealistic goals and forcing yourself to do all the things you think you ‘should’ be doing, rather than what comes naturally. But there are still 3 months of the year left, and now is the perfect time to plan for a successful last quarter of 2022.
Have you set yourself an unrealistic goal?
Now that we have moved into October, I can feel myself feeling more awake and the fire burning within again. But I am very aware that we are now in the last quarter, which in itself is a bit of an odd time of year in business (or at least I find so!). You’re half in the end of this year and half in the start of 2023.
How are you feeling about these last few months of 2022?
It’s natural to feel anxious. Anxious about the goals you may or may not have met this year in business, as well as the anxiety creeping-in for the new year. And as difficult as it can feel, I’ve found the best way to deal with these fears and anxiety is to face them head-on, and plan for a successful last quarter of 2022.
To allow yourself to look-back over the past year and celebrate yourself for all the wonderful achievements you’ve had along the way (of which, I have no doubt there are many – big and small, all taking you in the right direction). Recognise yourself for these and celebrate yourself!
Allow yourself to look back honestly across the year at those aspects of your business that perhaps didn’t work quite so well. And believe me when I say – you aren’t alone – We ALL have them, and that’s how we learn as business owners. So try not to beat yourself up at all about them, and instead, turn it into a positive – What can you learn from last year? What tweaks will you make moving forwards? What will you cut-out altogether?
Once you’ve analysed everything, you’ll likely feel a sense of clarity and direction about where you want to go next. And this is when you can plan for a successful last quarter of 2022, and perhaps also the vision for next year too.
Throughout doing this, remember that what works well for you in business, may not work as well for someone else and vice versa.
Goals is one of those areas that I see this surfacing the most.
For some, setting goals is like second nature and they thrive from the sense of planning and then reaching their goals. They also accept that not every goal can be reached within the specified time-frame and can then adjust their plan and set-out again to reach said goal.
For others, there may be a goal trauma that is blocking you from being able to work in this way. Naturally, your mind monkeys will likely make you feel as though this is your fault and you’ll blame yourself. But truth is, there is another reason behind not meeting the goals you set, or feeling overwhelmed at the mere thought of setting them. And if that does sound like you, perhaps there’s another way that’s better for you?
Would you like to look at achieving your vision without feeling overwhelmed? Here are my 3 Top Tips:
1. Celebrate your achievements
As I mentioned above, it’s important to celebrate yourself – celebrate all of your wins, big and small! If you’re someone who loves a goal, then perhaps with each one you set, also set yourself a reward to match! Often, we can feel much more connected with a goal or aspiration when we have a physical thing or experience as the reward (rather than just a financial one). Been wanting to book a table at that new, fancy restaurant for a while? Or had your eye on a new handbag? Or perhaps you’ve been wanting that action-packed, thrill-seeking weekend for ages now? Perfect reward!
2. Goals aren’t for everyone!
Setting goals doesn’t feel right for everyone, so don’t pressure yourself into feeling you need a goal.
I am awful at longer-term planning. I can’t plan too far ahead. I also don’t do vision boards as I feel I will be disappointed if I don’t achieve what I want! I know this is a huge mindset block.
There will be things which you want to achieve, maybe just write them all down on a huge piece of paper, then start with the simplest steps to achieve the short-term wants, and then create a timeline?
Sometimes even the word ‘goal’ is what does it!
3. Co-working and Brain-storming
Working for ourselves is wonderful, and as ambitious entrepreneurs, we all have that reason why we turned to this lifestyle. But as you will have heard me mention before, it can be lonely at times, especially if you work alone.
Not if you surround yourself with the right people though!
Surround yourself with those people that you know will be there to help support you if you ask (and likewise, be available to help them, when needed). Once you form these strong connections, the ideas and inspiration flows. You are able to bounce ideas off each other, and know that the offering you’re putting-out for your clients is the best it can be.
From this, the most beautiful collaborations can be built. When you get to know one another and each other’s offerings, you can envision how they can be brought together to make something magical!
So there you have it, my 3 Top Tips to help you plan for a successful last quarter of 2022, with a huge emphasis on number 3 and the inspiration and motivation that can come from working together on something. Alone, you have the vision and drive to create something wonderful, but just imagine the magic that could be achieved when working alongside others! Having the ability to talk to someone who ‘gets it’. Gets what it’s like to be in business for themselves, and wants to see you succeed. Gets how invaluable it can be to bounce around ideas from something other than just your vision board!
You can’t under-estimate the power of connection with the right people, your people! And that’s exactly why Peakes was born – to help entrepreneurs band together, not feel so lonely, and accelerate their business further than they would do alone!